News & Events

News & Events 2015

03 August 2015

Incepta Pharmaceuticals launched the world’s first ever generic drug of Ledipasvir + Sofosbuvir tablet in Bangladesh market. In fact it is only generic drug of this combination available in world market. Since its launching it has generated huge interest throughout the world. Like previously launched Hopetavir (generic drug of Sofosbuvir), it was also launched at 99% discount price compared to innovator’s brand.
Twinvir is mainly indicated for the treatment of Hepatitis C genotype 1/4/6 infection. With this treatment option there is no need of either Interferon or Ribavirin. One tablet once a day is sufficient for the treatment of Hepatitis C. Twinvir provides high cure rate, less daily tablet burden, less complicated treatment regimens and also more affordable to the patients.
In addition to local market, Incepta hopes to launch this product to international market in near future.

01 June 2015

Antivenom injection is the preparation of snake venom antiserum. In Bangladesh, about 8000 snake bites occur annually with more than 20% mortality. Snake bite causes serious systemic or neurological complications such as bleeding disorder leading to fatal hemorrhage, permanent disability or death. Treatment of snake bite is neglected and is left to traditional ozha or kaviraj which lead to death. Snake venom antiserum is the mainstay of treatment after snake bite. But in Bangladesh, this life saving antiserum was not available everywhere in every season due to there is no local manufacturer and lack of cold chain system. Now Incepta Vaccine Ltd has introduced snake venom antiserum for the first time in Bangladesh with the brand name of Antivenom. Antivenom is manufactured by applying high tech lyophilization technology which is very stable and can be stored at room temperature. Antivenom is available in 10 ml vial. After reconstitution it should be given as infusion.

04 February 2015

On 03 February 2015, Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd launched the revolutionary oral drug Sofosbuvir for the treatment of Hepatitis C. It is the world's first ever generic version of the drug Sofosbuvir and its brand name is Hopetavir. Incepta has beaten to the market a number of larger Indian competitors in the launching of generic Sofosbuvir tablet.

Previously, treatment of Hepatitis C was limited to Interferon alfa only. It is an injectable drug and thus is associated with many limitations such low efficacy rate, patients incompliance, side effects, high costs etc. With the launching of Sofosbuvir these limitations have now been minimized to a great extant. Sofosbuvir tablet shows greater than 90% efficacy rate, being an oral drug patient compliance has improved and it is now more affordable treatment option.

Incepta pharmaceuticals have launched this generic at almost 99% discount price of the innovator's drug. Initially Incepta launched this drug in Bangladesh market. To date very few well controlled studies have been performed regarding the prevalence of hepatitis C in Bangladesh. In these studies 0.8-1% people of total population has been found to be carriers of hepatitis C virus.

Globally more than 170 million people are infected with the fatal disease hepatitis C. In near future the company aims to sell the drug overseas, including parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. Bloomberg has reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) is considering reviewing Hopetavir under its prequalification program, which could make the drug available in countries where innovator brand lacks patent protection and to humanitarian groups such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).